“My favourite image was made by Leonard Walpot” – Candice C. Cusic

Masters of Wedding Photography

“My favourite image was made by Leonard Walpot” – Candice C. Cusic

“Picking one image out of thousands to highlight is an impossible task. I love photographs where the camera is present and invisible. True emotion is captured, not created, and love is dominant. These images make us feel something, and the images themselves are memorable because of our connection to them.”

“Picking one image out of thousands to highlight is an impossible task. I love photographs where the camera is present and invisible. True emotion is captured, not created, and love is dominant. These images make us feel something, and the images themselves are memorable because of our connection to them.”

"To my own surprise, I didn't choose a couple in love.  I went with upset grandmother."

"This moment is perfect, needs no explanation, and still makes me laugh.  The photographer was close enough to make us feel.   Well done, Leonard Walpot , for getting the camera where it needed to be.  I love it!"

Candice C. Cusic

Jury member 9th round Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography


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